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Autor: mackopu Strana 18 z 44

Font Awesome is well, awesome, but our data shows that people actually like line icons even more. Since Icons8 is all about making people happy, we made Line Awesome as a free alternative to Font Awesome 5.11.2.
Line Awesome consists of ~1380 flat line icons that offer complete coverage of the main Font Awesome icon set. This icon-font is based off of the Icons8 Windows 10 style, which consists of over 4,000 icons, so be sure to check that out if you need more specific icons.
See the Pen Scroll Timeline (jQuery) by Viktor (@viktorjs) on CodePen.

Learn how to create a responsive „timeline“ with CSS.

You can set up a jQuery document ready function for use with WordPress and use the jQuery library that WordPress ships with rather than use another one. Here are three ways to use jQuery document ready function with WordPress.

You can redirect all your WordPress pages to a designated Coming Soon page for all non-logged in users with the template_redirect action hook whilst leaving all pages visible to logged in users.
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add_action( 'template_redirect', 'themeprefix_coming_soon' ); function themeprefix_coming_soon() { if( !is_user_logged_in() && ! is_front_page() || is_home() ){ wp_redirect( site_url() ); exit(); } } |
So if the user is not logged in and the page is not the home page then redirect the user to the home page, if you want a different page to direct them to, change the parameters as below.
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add_action( 'template_redirect', 'themeprefix_coming_soon' ); function themeprefix_coming_soon() { if( !is_user_logged_in() && !is_page('comingsoon') ){ wp_redirect( site_url('comingsoon') ); exit(); } } |
So above the as long as the page is not ‘comingsoon’ the non-logged in user will be redirected to it.