Cyklistika, programování, společnost, kultura

Autor: mackopu Strana 42 z 44

Zakládající člen a webmaster, autor tohoto webu. Chorý mozek, pachatel tratí. Ve volném čase se kromě cyklistiky věnuji programování internetových aplikací v jazyce HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL a Javascript.

How to Display custom field value of previous and next post

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Adding this snippet within the loop of your wordpress theme will display the custom field value from the previous and next posts. Just change the CUSTOM_FIELD on line 4 and 5 to the name of the custom field you wish to display.

Exclude Posts or Pages from Search Results

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This snippet will allow you to control which posts or pages there should be excluded from WordPress search results.

Disable Plugin Updates

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This snippet will prevent WordPress from checking if there’s any updates for your plugins. This could be useful if you’re creating a website for a client, and you don’t want them to update their plugins incase you have changed the code in it, or if you’re worried that the update will break the site.

Add search form to a specific wp_nav_menu

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This snippet twill add the search form to your wordpress wp_nav_menu. Don’t forget to update the MENU-NAME to specify the menu you wish to display within, just in case you have multiple menus.

Automatically Notify Your Members on New Posts

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Send an email to all registered users when a post is published. Simply place this code into your functions.php file.

Show PHP Errors

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This shows PHP errors for your WordPress theme. It also checks that the user i an admin and error will only be displayed if it’s true.


Show Images from Post or Page Attachments

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Get all image attachments from a page or post. I usually use this to show a slideshow on a page.

50 brodů na Krakovec a Skryje u Berounky

Motto: „Suchou nohou ani náhodou, o kraťácích a dresu nemluvě…“

Split up images and text

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Pulls out all your images in your post and puts it in a separate div.

Check If Mobile Device

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This functions checks if the user is visiting using a mobile device and returns result in true or false.

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