Cyklistika, programování, společnost, kultura

Rubrika: WordPress

WordPress je svobodný open source redakční publikační systém napsaný v PHP a MySQL a vyvíjený pod licencí GNU GPL. Je oficiálním nástupcem systému b2/cafelog a má širokou uživatelskou a vývojářskou komunitu. Dle oficiálních statistik je používán jako CMS (z anglického content management system – systém pro správu obsahu) na více než 25 % webových stránek na světě a překonává tak open source CMS jako Joomla či Drupal, které se drží pod třemi procenty.

Show Images from Post or Page Attachments

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Get all image attachments from a page or post. I usually use this to show a slideshow on a page.

Split up images and text

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Pulls out all your images in your post and puts it in a separate div.

Check If Mobile Device

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This functions checks if the user is visiting using a mobile device and returns result in true or false.

Reset your password

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So you’ve lost your password, huh? There is a way to change it the hard way, if you can’t use the ‘forgot password’-function for whatever reason. Insert this command in to a PhpMyAdmin Sql-window.


Paypal Donation Shortcode

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This code will make it simpler to accept paypal donations.
To use it, simply place the above snippet in your functions.php file and use any of the shortcodes below.

Facebook like button

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Add a Facebook like button to a page by pasting this code where you want it. You can modify the parameters, see Facebook docs.


QR code with article link

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Just insert the above code inside the WordPress loop, and a QR-code will be rendered for every article.


Author Bio Excerpt

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When you like to show a short intro of the author bio of a post and not his complete bio. Use this code snippet to make an excerpt of the bio, with a link to the author page, where you can show the full bio.

Pagination without plugin

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This snippet creates a classic paging navigation like the one seen in WP-PageNavi, which give a better overview for the user. It’s easy to implement and gives you total control over the output. I’ll give you an example of how it can look:

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